Why subscribe?
“Spirit” delivers inspiration for writers, artists, creatives, and contemplatives.
You can expect short essays (never over 1,000 words) twice a month on Thursdays. Spirit covers a range of topics including:
personal essays and flash creative nonfiction
musings on spiritual concepts I’m meditating on
reviews of books I’m loving, mostly memoir, nonfiction, and writing craft
writing prompts and creative exercises I’m using
inspiration for embracing and nourishing your creative and contemplative life
Who is Sarah K. Lenz?
I’m a literary writer and educator. My debut essay collection, What Will Outlast Me?, was published by Unsolicited Press in 2023 and is available from your favorite online booksellers. What Will Outlast Me? is about the moments when death brushed near, but I felt more alive. I write about a cancer diagnosis, car wrecks, house fires, and other ordinary tragedies, which become surprisingly sublime.
Contemplation, including meditation, is the foundation of my spiritual and creative practice.
Join me on this journey.
I warmly hope that you’ll sign up for this newsletter, so we can share our creative journey.